Open EmuELEC Settings > Danger zone > Force Update follow the directions.Set Update Type to STABLE then select Back.You can also use Force Update by following these steps: This release was re-uploaded due to an unnoticed issue regarding SAMBA and ScummVM. Check resolution fixes, Setres overhaul, cvbs fix other resolutions people could not see.EE - joy common - controller - order fix and revision by in #936.Cloud Loading and Saving for retroarch auto saves and state saves.emulator - duckstation standalone - game controller autoconfiguration by in #994.Update emulators 46 part 2 by in #1018.

mount_romfs.sh: ensure /storage/.update is always mounted as long as EEROMS is valid mount EEROMS when user-defined storage-roms.mount failed by in #944.ampart: bump version f0c3cc44 aminstall: misc fixes and better migration of EEROMS by in #943.mount_romfs.sh: rewrite to properly support 2-partition layout by in #942.Remove duplicate PKG_VERSION in bstone package.mk by in #938.introduce new emmc installation method aminstall by in #930.implements installtointernal via a new package ampart by in #928.

RK356x: update uboot for firefly devices by in #926.fix fs-resize would break on 4GB drives, and EEROMS was not properly formatted on USB drives by in #921.Fix for mpv not compiling on OGA/OGS/GF by in #919.dev joy advmame fix - 1 controller controlling 2 players and more bug.Multiple controller mappings - iNNEXT USB and PlayGame USB by in #840.Fix audio stuttering in lzdoom again by in #888.Bump RigelEngine to latest version by in #889.Update hypseus-singe to fix some games by in #887.fakeroot: bump to 1.28 (from no-longer-existing 1.27) by in #884.Thanks to the always supportive PatreonsĪnd anyone else who has supported via other means, in the past, present and future, I really appreciate it! What's Changed Please note that due to lack of time, some devices have not been properly tested, if you find a bug or an issue, please don't hesitate to let us know via Discord, the EmuELEC forum or opening an issue in github. Updated to their most recent version at the time of this release. The System base is now from CoreELEC 20 and all emulators, cores and ports have been
This also changes how the second partition is created, It is now 6GB (unless you use a 4GB sd card, then it will be 2GB) If you update from 4.5 or lower you will keep the 2GB STORAGE partition, but if you need your STORAGE partition to be bigger (6GB), then you will need to do a clean install on a SD card bigger than 8GB. There is now a new tool for mounting systemd and external sources for ROMSĮEROMS partition will only be created on SD cards bigger than 8gb.

specially to the way the partitions are handled so you might need/want to do a clean install. A lot of the changes have been done to the base system. EmuELEC v4.6 Please read the complete change-log before updating.